I spent the last four days making order from disorder. In my house and in my head. I reordered some messy cabinets, put away the Christmas stuff. I worked on some blog posts, a budget, some idea maps for three of the essays that will comprise a big part of the memoir I am working on. I got some gentle exercise.
The Bat Buggy |
This weekend we also said goodbye to a friend who is following her dreams and starting a new adventure in Bend, Oregon. Another friend is at the hospital, her mother had a serious stroke and, while being evaluated, was also diagnosed with lung cancer. And I've been smiling over photographs of my great-nephew's birthday and crazy-awesome gift, a custom-built Batman-themed go cart created by his Dad. Eric spent much of his weekend working on the labor-of-love network project that he tackled at the Idaho Botanical Garden. What I am struck by is how much love is in my life. How many people I am proud to know and love. How many lives being spent doing good things intersect with mine--things that might not stack up on some best-of list, or be notable on the national news, but things that require courage and strength, optimism and love.
In an ideal future, a good part of my time and energy will be spent on things that can best be described as labors of love. I'm in charge of making that happen. Tonight, I'm feeling centered, and happy. And I hope that I'll be able to hold onto this feeling for a while. I like it quite a lot.
Here we go - first week of work in 2014 coming straight at us!
Love. Love. Love.
2014 is the year to DO. Don't ponder. Don't question. DO.
Damn. Keep them coming.
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